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Good Books & Chill List…


18th February 2022

Good morning!

Thank you so much to the brilliant community of instagram who took the time to suggest books for me to read. I think now is the right time for me to indulge.

It’s 18th Feb 2022, It’s my 2nd day of having COVID and Storm Eunice is raging outside. Kate has just nipped to the shops for me (I’m so jealous, it’s my favourite thing to do. I LOVE GOING TO THE SHOP!) Kate returned with heroic tales of escaping from flying bits of wood and a ghost like tarpaulin that threatened to wrap her up like a burrito. Please stay safe everyone! Let’s just stay in, stay warm, have a cup of tea and read.

I  guess it’s mental exercise for me today rather than physical! I was planning to workout in the house but my body says NO - definitely not - sit back down Adele. You’ll spend most of today horizontal in bed! Haha. “If you don’t rest, your body will make you rest”…. Or words the that effect from Kate. She’s right, rest days are essential for balance and I’m all about listening to my body nowadays and taking it’s lead.

Here are some of the suggestions of the books, they are so wonderful and varied - thank you so much to everyone who got involved! I’ve also had some authors suggested too. You can find them towards the end of the list. When I’m feeling better and able to go back outside I’ll be listening to a lot of these on audible. That’s what started this in the first place, me forgetting to cancel my subscription. I now have 18 credits to use - I’m audible rich!

Which is good because I love going for walks or runs and letting my mind escape into a good book.

Let the read and rest fest begin!


This Much is True by Miriam Margolyes

BAFTA-winning actor, voice of everything from Monkey to the Cadbury's Caramel Rabbit, creator of a myriad of unforgettable characters from Lady Whiteadder to Professor Sprout, Miriam Margolyes, OBE, is the nation's favourite (and naughtiest) treasure.


Walking On Sunshine by Giovanna Fletcher

In the darkness we all need a little light . . .

After Mike loses Pia, his partner of seventeen years, her best friends Vicky and Zaza try to help pick up the pieces. But though Pia's gone, she left a plan. A list of love and instructions to hold Mike and her best friends together. And they're each going to need it.
